Photo of Cali Collective 2023

Cali Collective Ensemble

Cali Collective Ensemble in partnership with Music for All Seasons

Cali Collective Ensemble (CCE) is a 2-Year Graduate Program within the Artist Diploma Certificate at the Cali School of Music.  Offered in partnership with Music for All Seasons – an organization that believes in the power of music to heal, bring solace, and to change people’s lives – CCE prepares young professional classical musicians for careers integrating performance, teaching, community engagement, advocacy, entrepreneurship, and leadership.  Masters of Music degree required.

This two-year program is geared toward young professionals interested in a career mixing chamber music, freelancing and teaching.  Each month, Cali Collective members give interactive performances at community venues including Retirement Homes, Halfway Houses and more. 

Additionally, members of Cali Collective have the opportunity not only to perform alongside the guest artists of the Immersive Residency Program, but to participate in workshops where they receive career advice and get to present ideas for feedback from preeminent musicians.

All Instruments Welcome:  In Search of Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, and Piano


The Cali School of Music at Montclair State University aims to support music as an agent of change and empower students to think outside the box. Cali Collective Ensemble is a program offering top-quality performance opportunities, intensive professional development, and the opportunity to establish outreach programs and administrative skills. Our program seeks to create a supportive space to define a creative identity and vision.   

What’s included:

  • Full tuition plus a modest stipend per semester.
  • Weekly Meetings with Cali Faculty
  • Weekly Lessons 
  • Large Ensemble and Chamber Music

What Cali Collective Ensemble Members are saying:  

“Participating in the CCE has given me the opportunity to expand my comfort level with new experiences. It has pushed me to become more creative and work with all instrument groups as well as adjust programs and find new ideas for all settings of audiences.  

The CCE has also encouraged me to expand my view on performance spaces. One project we worked on led us to brainstorm new venues to reach out to- we got to call each space and create an “elevator pitch” of our programs and services. It was a great experience to learn how to promote ourselves as musicians and expand an audience base for regular performances” —Annie

“Cali Collective is a great opportunity to bring music to those who would not normally be able to get to a concert hall. Music can bring comfort to those in difficult situations, such as in hospitals. This is very important to me, as some of the most moving experiences I have had were times I played for patients and they expressed a lot of joy when they heard the music. I’m excited to be in Cali Collective because this gives me a chance to share music with people who can really connect and feel a sense of healing from the music. It’s also a chance to get guidance from faculty and guest artists on how to develop a career as well as organize outreach events”. —Liana

“Each week we have meetings for Cali Collective with Kathryn and Tomoko, where we work on everything from how to pitch concerts at unconventional venues to how to write grants. We participate in new music concerts where we debut pieces written by Montclair student composers. It is also a highlight when guests from the Immersive Residency come to share their unique perspectives and how they incorporate community outreach into their careers”.—Rachel

“Being part of CCE has opened my eyes to many different aspects of what it takes to be an artist. Being able to work with different communities is one of the biggest rewards for my education. From a class perspective, creating programs for different instruments in various places has also been important to carry forward for the future”. —Alonso

How to apply:

Step 1: Apply for the Cali Collective Program 
Step 2: Apply for the AD Program
Step 3: Apply to the School

For more information, email